के लिएथे लक्ष्य तानिहाल्यो मलाई शिखाले । स्यवम् सफलताले तानिरहेछ त छेक्दैन मलाई रेखाले । डिम्डुङ १६

༺ ༀ་ མ་ཎེ་ པདྨེ་ ཧཱུྃ་ ༻ ༺ ༀ་ མ་ཎེ་ པདྨེ་ ཧཱུྃ་ ༻ ༺ ༀ་ མ་ཎེ་ པདྨེ་ ཧཱུྃ་ ༻ ༺ ༀ་ མ་ཎེ་ པདྨེ་ ཧཱུྃ་ ༻ ༺ ༀ་ མ་ཎེ་ པདྨེ་ ཧཱུྃ་ ༻ ༺ ༀ་ མ་ཎེ་ པདྨེ་ ཧཱུྃ་ ༻ ༺ ༀ་ མ་ཎེ་ པདྨེ་ ཧཱུྃ་ ༻

05 August 2012

Why is this necessory for today life?

Why this is necessory for today life?

Psychology has become an inseparable part of education in the process of teaching and learning. The word 'Psychology' refer mainly the mind.In that sense the study of mind so essential while anyone engaged in teaching and learning. The study of state of learned mind is to study how a child acquires his/her various faculties of skills. Learning refers that the learned should have positive change in bahaviour so that a teacher should know at what stage and how the teaching should start there should be an identification of leeriness background which hepls and tenders the learning similarly to know
about the leeriness desires, feelings, attitude and age factor is like to select the fritter land for planning the crops.We fend to visit the classroom with stick and a lit ideas how to punish the wrong dows instead to filte the psychological aspect of the learned which result the noisy class as well as increase the drop out rate the same way, education purpose to ensure the positive change which should be practical as to suit in the real behaviour. However the efforts that we make the result the worst.
The school education, now a days has become vergue system. These should proper understading on the feelings of learned so that mutual co-operation can be etabished between teacher and learned. This is only one way to get better and wanted expectation from the learner. If we desire to get better output we lend to capture a lot of learning strategies and we can select the good seed and expect the better fruit.

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