के लिएथे लक्ष्य तानिहाल्यो मलाई शिखाले । स्यवम् सफलताले तानिरहेछ त छेक्दैन मलाई रेखाले । डिम्डुङ १६

༺ ༀ་ མ་ཎེ་ པདྨེ་ ཧཱུྃ་ ༻ ༺ ༀ་ མ་ཎེ་ པདྨེ་ ཧཱུྃ་ ༻ ༺ ༀ་ མ་ཎེ་ པདྨེ་ ཧཱུྃ་ ༻ ༺ ༀ་ མ་ཎེ་ པདྨེ་ ཧཱུྃ་ ༻ ༺ ༀ་ མ་ཎེ་ པདྨེ་ ཧཱུྃ་ ༻ ༺ ༀ་ མ་ཎེ་ པདྨེ་ ཧཱུྃ་ ༻ ༺ ༀ་ མ་ཎེ་ པདྨེ་ ཧཱུྃ་ ༻

05 August 2012

Tamang and their some description Aisingh Dimdung Tamang (tamandas)

           Tamangs have their own language and the Tamhig script. The linguists said that they are under the THAR but what is THAR and why they are known as THAR is not known to the common people.

Anthropologists believe that Tamangs are the decendents of mix blood goups but what it is how the Tamangs are known that way is not studied yet. Like in other communities Tamangs have different surnames. But what has been their surname wise identity in terms of literacy rate, economic status, and political representation are not studied.

Tamangs have their own management system to govern their community. But what are commonalities and differences of Tamangs’ management system with that of the government, and NGOs. What is the impact of present government and NGO management systems over the Tamangs traditional management systems? And how these management systems correspond to each other is yet to be studied.
Tamangs have own KIPAT (i.e. Land holding system of Tamang, Limbu and Rai) land system with TALUKDAAR to collect the revenue. But how the TALUKDAAR are responding to the government? How the Tamangs feel about the TALUKDAARs and the government’s revenue collectors? Questions like this are yet to be researched at the community level.

Tamangs are divided into two groups as NIGMAPAKA and GIYALOKPAKA. Are these two groups similar in terms of literacy rate, social prestige, ecomonic status, and political representation? Such type of question is yet to be researched.

Tamangs reside in a clustered settlement. Question like what is the reason behind this are not empirically answered.

LAMA is the Tamang priest to perform the rituals. But how their priestly rituals resemble with the rituals of the other ethnic groups is not researched. Similarly, Tamangs have own songs and dances such as TAMANG SELO, BHOTE SELO, WHAIGEET, DORANACH. But how these songs and dances differ with other caste and ethnic groups are yet to be explored. Besides, DAMPHU ( musical instrument) is used by both TAMANGs and other ethnic as well as caste groups at the time of dancing. But what are the similarities and differences between the DAMPHU dance and songs of Tmangs and other caste as well as ethnic groups is not studied.

Tamangs celebrate birth, naming, and feeding ceremonies. In all these ceremonies, how do Tamangs treat their daughters and sons is yet to be researched.
A. Tamang Structure
1. Yoho ( President)
2. Mulmi (Village head of the Clan)
3. Ngapta (Lama priest)
4. Bonpo ( Wizard and low level priest)
5. Ngopta (Sage i.e. Sadhu)
6. Aala (Headmen i.e. Tahlu)
7. Tomba (Record keeper of the ancestors i.e. Bansawali writer)
8. Gulmi ( Secretary)

B. Social Structure for Ghewa
1. Lama (Priest)
2. Ukje (Musician)
3. Laiba (Food Manager)
4. Katuwaaike (Co-ordinator)
5. Chyangla ( Omen Distributor i.e. Sagun)
6. Chyuba (Utensil Manager)

(Source: “PAHADI BOLICHALI” page: 576-578)

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